Monday, March 5, 2012

Sunset at Padang Padang Beach, Pecatu, Uluwatu, Bali

Have you seen Julia Roberts in 'Eat Pray Love' guys? If you've seen it, maybe you could recognize this beach. Yes, it's Padang Padang Beach, which you can see near the end of the movie. This beach is about 25 minutes from Ngurah Rai Airport headed south to Uluwatu, which is the way to Garuda Wisnu Kencana (Cultural Park), between Dreamland Beach and Uluwatu Temple. Before the world wide premiere of this movie, Padang Padang beach was not that famous, just a few people knew it. I was one of them ;). But now, this beach gets more visitors especially surfers. A bit hard and far to reach, but really worth it. From the road where you have to park your bike or car, then you have to go down through the tiny stairways between the cave. Small space, which is surrounded by cliff, beautiful white sands, and green clear water as colored by the seaweed and the coral reef. 

Hayo ada yang belum tahu dimana itu Padang Padang beach? Dimana...dimana dimaaaana... *dangdutan*. Yang belum pernah mungkin bisa dicoba buat nonton filmnya Julia Roberts 'Eat Pray Love' deh. Meskipun ya cuma sebentar saja shotnya disana. Buat yang sering liburan di Bali atau yang tinggal di Bali tapi kagak tahu nih dimana, ya saatnya kini berkunjung. Waktu pertama kali gue berkunjung kesini, maybe about tiga tahun yang lalu. Sampai sekarang gue lebih suka kesini dari pada Pantai Dreamland, yang kini semakin parah  ramainya seperti Pantai Kuta. Kalau di sini masih sedikit sepi, mungkin karena tempatnya yang tidak begitu luas, dan cukup jauh di jangkau. Selain itu struktur pantai yang dangkal dan penuh karang. Tapi jika mau lebih ke dalam lagi, pantai ini sangat pas buat para Surfer, karena ombaknya yang cuckup tinggi.

(Click Pics to enlarge)

Padang Padang beach, swim and sunset time

A bunch of fisherman

Padang Padang Beach, perfect twilight!

Jump around :D
Levitation against the sunset

Enjoying the beach and the vanilla twilight

Trying to pose like Beckham, lol

Padang Padang Beach

Padang Padang Beach

Fisherman at Padang Padang

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